The Dressmaker Mama: Origin Story

The story of starting my blog to document the creation of a me-made wardrobe and other sewing endeavors.

The Dream

I had long since dreamed about being a blogger, growing up as a millennial in the age of technology. Seldom did I speak of this tiny dream, it almost seemed embarrassing, like the younger generation wanting to be youtubers. I never attempted blogging, only ever vague attempts at idea sharing on tumblr, instagram and facebook notes. I am not even on facebook anymore, and notes probably don’t exist anymore. Nor had any formal attempt to start a blog until now. 

But alas, I never had a niche. And I knew I wouldn’t have a very successful blog about nothing, I’m no Jerry Seinfeld. So the idea lay in wait, slowly being turned around in my brain in all of the would-be’s. Homemaking?? Motherhood?? Sewing? Baking? Until one fateful day, I thought of this name “Dressmaker Mama” and ideas started flooding my brain. Filled with a burst of inspiration of all the posts and stories I could share. I am not a professional sewist, but I can share my dressmaking journey, and document building a me-made wardrobe. A freedom to be able to share about motherhood, homemaking and sewing, the forefront of which will be sewing.

The Dressmaker

When I first began to sew clothes I didn’t know anyone in my life who shared the same interest. Older women who had stopped sewing long ago, or younger women who had never tried. I craved a community to exchange ideas and stories with. Then I found the depths of the online sewing community and instantly knew I wanted to be a part of it. 

I will post more in depth about the origins of my sewing story, as I only began to learn how to sew as a 27 year old woman. However, as soon as I started sewing I knew there was no going back. I’ve slowly built my skills making a variety of clothes in kids and adult sizes and other fabric projects such as bags and pot holders. For Christmas Eve in 2023 with my extended family, I endeavored to make all of my relatives potholders for Christmas. With much trial and error and hours and hours gone by, I knew sewing home items was NOT my niche. After a hearty break from sewing for 2 weeks, I finished a dress project I had put off since October and it struck me… I am a dressmaker. It was what I loved, fueled me with creative energy, passion and excitement. I was not just a woman with a sewing machine, I was a Dressmaker (and a Child of God) but a DRESSMAKER. I loved that God had allowed me the time, skills and budget to start this craft, and an encouraging husband by my side. 

The Mama

Photo Credit:

The other half of the name seems self explanatory, I am a mother, to a darling 2 year old girl. For the sake of internet privacy I have chosen to give her a pseudonym, which will be Elle. She loves to sit on my lap as I sew and tries her best to be “helpful”, which is always rather unhelpfully helpful. [An aside: I have typed helpful so many times I am now convinced it is not a real word, but google assures me that it is]. I have made Elle 4 dresses, to the best of my memory, two of which match garments of my own. My goal is to one day have an entirely “me-made” wardrobe and an 80% me-made wardrobe for Elle, because we still love hand-me-downs and Grammie gifts. 

I thank you so much for already joining me in the journey of the Dressmaker Mama, and hope that you will find inspiration, encouragement and community here. Everyday I learn something new about and I am excited to document my growth on this blog.

 until next time, 
